Tag: blockages

Standards of Practice

Standards of Practice

Life Alignment is not intended to diagnose, prescribe medication or treat any disease or physical condition. Energy healing is specifically a means for balancing the body’s bio field to release blockages so that the body’s own innate wisdom is able to self heal by priority 

Life Alignment Success Story by Megan Toni Couchman

Life Alignment Success Story by Megan Toni Couchman

Life Alignment helped save Megan Couchman’s life. She was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis (MG) at the age of 15 when she could no longer swallow or speak properly and felt constantly weak. She tried all avenues, allopathic and alternative. “It was only when I started 



  Have you ever been mentally or emotionally consumed by pain from a past hurt? If so did you notice that at the time you could not function properly on your work because over 90 % of your awareness was distracted as you were so