Testimonials for Group Sessions

Christine, your parting words were so important… We must be mindful of our state to make sure that we are contributing positively to the collective. I lose sight of that quite often. Thank you for the reminder.

This will be my focus going forward

May 2020

After the remote balance which focused on keywords “losing face”, “superficial”, and “fortunate” all in the area of financial freedom, I realized that I was blocking my own manifestation of financial freedom. By not openly acknowledging my stresses and feelings to my husband (I felt I was supporting him by hiding my worries), I was not feeling what needed to be felt. After the balance and before the group discussion I opened up to him, we cleared the air and felt hopeful and positive again, and the next day 4 possible opportunities arose which would change our situation for the better 🙂 I really appreciate having the opportunity to be part of the balance and truly felt the benefits in the weeks to follow.

May 2020 – Durban, South Africa


Thank you Christine and everyone present at the zoom session this morning. The session was insightful, pertinent to what we are going through personally, healing and liberating. Take care and be safe

May 2020


Thank you Christine!

I can’t believe the incredible introspection/ transformation/ journey these sessions are taking me on.

May 2020